
Lunch, et cetera

David: Snuggies had a fashion show at New York fashion week because now there are snuggies for cats and dogs.
Me: I don't see why cats need snuggies. It's not like they're grabbing anything- they don't need sleeves on their blankets. They don't even have opposable thumbs!
David: Like dogs have opposable thumbs? What freaky dogs are you hanging out with??

AD passed out today. People were really excited about it. I'm not sure why.

David: I'm the lunchroom bitch.

Yesterday I was the lunchroom failure. There were no paper cups, and then I wanted lentil soup, so I got lentil soup in a real bowl, and then I wanted a wheat bread roll, because how often do you find wheat bread rolls? So I got one, but I didn't have enough hands so I put it in the bread right in the bowl. Then I got this tricky balancing situation made worse by the fact that no one I knew was really in the lunch room at that point. We, as seniors, seem to have developed a terrible tendency to either not eat at all, or eat in twenty seconds flat to go do work.
We, as seniors, are lame.
So I walked over to the sandwich table, tasted the soup, realized the soup wasn't even good, threw it all away, and got some fruit.
And by then more people were in the lunch room so I could sit down.
It was a sad sad state of affairs.

I'm up to 8,000 words in my novel. I'm making more typos than I ever have in my life.

Love always,

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