
i just wanna rhyme

Today was Onion Market! It was awesome.

This series of exchanges made me laugh so hard I cried several times today.

(I don't remember the context)
Matt: What rhymes with 'door?'
Me: I am not a whore!
Matt: I'm just joking
(the conversation continues)
(A minute later)
Thomas: Are we still rhyming words?

It's funnier when you imagine it in the greatest British accent ever, said as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
Later, at coffee, Emily and I are laughing about Thomas and his rhyming words.

Thomas: Well, I don't know... don't you do that sometimes? It feels good, just to go home and rhyme some things. Have a little rhyme time!

Emily is lucky to have snagged this delightful boy. Today was basically the first time I talked to him in any depth and everything he says cracks me up. I'm 98% sure it's the accent.
To give you a better idea of what a hysterical person this Thomas is, he accidentally put a zip-up hoodie on under his polo shirt today, and didn't change, even once we got into town. He seemed to think that putting your clothes on in the wrong order is a very common mistake.

Thomas: Don't you ever do things backwards?
Me: Well, I've like, put my clothes on physically backwards... but not like, chronologically backwards.

In other news, I am completely covered in confetti. It's fun. Confetti fights are like snowball fights in that they are joyful, and unlike snowball fights in that they do not hurt. Therefore, they are the best kinds of fights.
However, those little hammers that they give to the kids- those hurt. And the children are brutal with them. We were cornered by an ominous bunch of eight-year-olds near the McDonalds today, eight-year-olds wielding hammers.

Jessica: Oh my god! It's a gang bang!
Me: ..... or not?

I just love it when people say things they don't mean.

Love always,

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