
Silly dog, raisin bran is for kids!

Right now Chili the dog is standing on the floor next to my bed giving me a horrible look. The look says this:
"Wait... aren't you going to give me more steak? You can't just give me one piece! I really like steak! If I sit here long enough, will you give it to me? What if I moan about it? OH SNAP I'm going to lie down and cry. Please give me more steak..."

Poor thing... not. He eats better than I do. He had that slice of steak with his dinner- I had Raisin Bran Crunch.
To be fair, I had the option of heating up some fish left over from a luncheon today. But I wasn't feeling it.

I'm having really random thoughts right now.
  • When someone like NASA has an announcement to make of global significance (such as finding water on the moon), do you think there are ever internal catfights over what time they should do the announcement at, so that certain areas of the world would be asleep? Like "Aha! if we do it a 8PM Eastern Standard Time, the French will find out six hours later than everyone else!"
  • Why are there so many different kinds of shoes? When did that happen?
  • Where has my focus been this week? I have literally gotten almost nothing done. I would blame the novel-ing, but I haven't even been productive in that.
  • In college, I'm taking a music theory class first semester. I've made this decision.
  • Speaking of college, I really want to make another closet-door collage. But instead of pictures of my friends, it's going to be the various pamphlets and postcards that colleges from Princeton to Alaska Pacific University have sent me. Just because otherwise it's all a giant waste of paper- these are either colleges that I'm already interested in and thus need no further persuasion, or colleges that I'd never apply to anyways.
Three day weekends are great.

Love always,

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