
Procrastination to the MAX!

Things I should be doing today:
  • Taking my math midterm
  • Writing in my novel
  • Catching up on Psych like crazy (fun story: So the online psychology course doesn't work on Safari, which means I had to download Firefox to take it. That was all fine, until Firefox started being a giant idiot. Now I'm a week behind, but I got an extension, so that's something. Still. What a mess.)
  • There's probably some physics stuff I've been neglecting too. Boo online classes
What I've been doing instead
  • Obsessing over my Google Analytics page. In the last couple days I've had three visits from Ostermundigen. I know I live somewhere near there, because I've seen buses that say they're going to Ostermundigen, but I'm really curious as to who these blog-reading Ostermundigi are. Friends? Stalkers? International School of Berne administrators???
  • Reading Text Message in a Bottle. I like it so much that I've tried to friend the author on facebook. He might think that's awkward. I think it's kind of awkward. But I did it anyway.
  • Going ice skating (later)
  • Staring at my new redheaded self in the mirror. I know how silly that sounds but I don't care because it's completely accurate.
I really need to get my act together, yo.

Love always,

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