
Real live CNN headline

I really need to share this-
"Plea deal offered in astronaut love triangle case"
Stranger than fiction, my friends, stranger than fiction.

I will now present you with a short excerpt from my novel. Because I'm not doing enough blogging, and I feel guilty about it.

“But Holden, seriously, what is the point of staying alive? Like, wow that sounded really emo and i swear i don't cut myself, but why is being alive inherently valuable?” olive seemed really worked up about this discussion. But tad glanced for a moment at her legs and saw that they were shaking. It was definitely unclear whether her passion for the discussion or the vitamin b 12 was responsible for the enthusiasm.

“All I’m saying”, she continued, “is like, okay I want to stay alive. I could have offed myself a week ago once I realized everyone else was dead but I didn’t. I mean, that option was literally right there and I was like ‘fuck no, I’m living this one out’. But if we’re going to go to all of these lengths to stay alive, we need to enjoy it, you know? Just being alive isn’t enough. You have to like, set out to do something. And if your something is driving fast, so be it. I like it. Driving fast is fun”

Tad was a little bit confused. This blonde chick in cowboy boots was sounding like an existentialist.

“Have you ever read Sartre?” he asked

“No... I looked him up on Wikipedia once. It all went over my head to be honest. The philosophy articles on Wikipedia are all full of random meaningless phrases like ‘knowing-towards-being’ and ‘a priori’ and ‘the ownmost nonrelational possibility of being not to be bypassed’”

“So you looked up Heidegger too?” tad said with a not malicious smirk. He knew all about the ownmost nonrelational possibility of being not to be bypassed.

Olive smiled. “Yep”

You know Clara's writing a novel when her two main characters bond over existentialism, teenage girls are really inarticulate, and everyone is completely okay with calling their double negatives litotes.

Love always,

1 comment:

Katie said...

sounds a lot like our school.