
the bird is the word

So right now I'm excited because twitter used a Freelance Whales song in their new-format-unveil video.
Can I just talk about twitter for a second?
I am a little bit obsessed with it. The twitter app on my phone was broken for a little while back there, and it made me so sad. Let me tell you why-
  1. Remembering things. A lot of times something funny happens, I tweet about it so that I remember to mention it on the blog later.
  2. Communicating with my awesome twitter-buds. This is also useful when I have a twitter-based nervous breakdown and people who know me in real life ask whither my mind has gone.
  3. Showcasing my brilliant iPhone photography. Ish.
  4. Drunk tweets.
  5. Stalking people on their own terms. On twitter, people are sort of asking to be stalked, but they're the ones feeding the information in, so I think it's okay.
  6. A reminder that Justin Bieber is still relevant in many parts of the world. Actually wait, I'd rather not have that all over my home page, thanks.
Anyway. All of yall should join twitter. It's phenomenal.
Also, listen to Freelance Whales.

That's all for tonight. Maybe I'll give you more authoritarian demands tomorrow. We'll see.

Love always,

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