
refrigerator adventure

First of all, I always want to put a 'd' in the word 'refrigerator' and it's really problematic. Someone tell me I'm not crazy?

Story time.

So, today, I was walking out of my dorm to go buy some books (because it's the first day of classes, and I think I have my schedule mostly figured out). As I exited the building, I ran into John and his roommate who may or may not be named Lob Sing or something similar. On a related note, I'm realizing how much I suck at names.
John and the roommate who must not be named were wheeling a minifridge around.

John: Hey Clara! Want to see our refrigerator? There's a murky liquid in it!
Me: Absolutely! I love... murky liquids?

So John opened the refrigerator door for me, and, lo and behold, there was a mysterious murky liquid indeed. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. It was a sort of watered-down-magenta color, and there were little things floating (growing?) in it.

Me: It looks like there's an ecosystem in there!

It turns out, John had acquired this refrigerator from his sister's friend's sister's boyfriend's cousin's dog-sitter or something, and it was free, which explains a lot.

It was wild.
Then they left it on the lawn with this other pile of trash, where a dumpster used to be.

For some reason, this was like, the highlight of my day. I had to blog about it.

Love always,

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