
i am not a robot

Dan: I'm the most rational. I'm all logic. Binary. 1s and 0s. If someday you're thinking, "wow, Dan can do the Robot really well..."
Me: I know the secret.

Now all of you do too.

I feel like every time I try to go to the Blue Room to study and eat and get things done, life gets in the way, and I can't really complain, because I love life, but I also love being prepared for class
(Maybe that's an overstatement. More accurate would be that I don't love not being prepared for class).
(I also don't love staying up late to finish said work.)

Someone on the lower quad of Keeney was playing The Decemberists really loudly tonight. I'm a fan. If they were pumping techno on a thursday, I'd be annoyed. But super-loud-folk-music is perfect for a chill thursday evening, drinking peppermint tea and listening to the rain and not being sure whether you should close your window, because it's not like the rain is coming in that much.

Anyway, that's been my life these days.

Love always,

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