
ice coffee

An interesting fact is that in many parts of the world, iced tea is marketed as "Ice Tea". In english. The international community's refusal to participate in our use of the perfect passive participle ('iced') is perplexing to me, but after a year of drinking Lipton Ice Tea in Switzerland, I've come to terms with the fact that the product sounds more like a chunk of herbal ice than anything else.

Which brings me to my next point: How not to make iced coffee.

So yesterday I bought a coffee maker for 20 bucks because I'm finding I rarely go to the Ratty for breakfast, and anyway the coffee at the Ratty looks like swamp water or something. It was a good investment, I'm pretty sure. It also makes water hot, so if I want to use it for tea or soup or something, that's also an option.
This is all beside the point. For those in places that are not experiencing this weird pre-hurricane heat wave, it is way too hot to be drinking coffee.
Unless, perchance, that coffee is iced.

I decided it would be worthwhile to make some iced coffee, to fulfill the joint goals of learning how to work the damn thing, and having coffee this morning (this all happened yesterday). So I filtered some water and I scooped approximately 2 1/4 tablespoons of coffee mix into the filter area and I did everything right.
And then I put the resulting coffee into the freezer.
For 12 hours.

So this morning I'm looking forward to drinking my iced coffee, and I open the freezer, and it's not so much iced coffee as ice coffee. As in, frozen solid.

I've got mad skills.

Also, I'm finding it curious that so many of these random-college-moments involve refrigerators.

Love always,

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