

This weekend is homecoming. Who knew?
To be fair, homecoming in college is very different from homecoming in high school. Here, there are classy-looking alumni all over the place, and no one cares what dress you're wearing, although they might be wondering why you're wearing a dress to begin with. We're yankees, and we don't do the sundresses-and-pearls-to-football-games thing.

Anyway, we had our homecoming football game tonight and I'd say it was pretty awesome. I ran around with some Jameson kids beforehand, but (rather rudely; I apologize) peaced out to see where John was sitting. His seats were better.
Getting there was an adventure though. He'd texted me that he was sitting in front of two shady characters with whom I'd had enough contact to recognize. So I was making my way across the stadium, and I see these two sitting down and assume that John is nearby. It was a fair assumption. So I'm looking around that area, and not seeing him at all, but I keep using these two guys as a reference point, so I'm basically staring at them, standing awkwardly in the aisle, and I know they see me, and they're likely wondering why I'm staring at them and typing furiously into my phone.
I imagine I looked creepy as a mofo.

So finally I see John somewhere else entirely and make my way over there and I have to explain to him why these two people now think I'm a total freak.
Not that they didn't already, actually.

We beat Harvard though! And we had clever cheers! I like sports. I don't like playing sports, but I enjoy watching them. I feel like every time I try to play a sport, the sport tries to entice me... and then shuts me down. I've just been hurt too many times. I know to keep my distance.
I'm horribly cynical these days.

That's not entirely true. Neither is anything Alex tells you about little children. For the record.

Love always,

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