
classes, at last

I've got my schedule sorted out. Finally. I dropped my fifth class this morning.

This semester is going to be really good. I can feel it. All of my classes are great so far, and I don't see that changing.

First I've got Brain Damage and the Mind. I was already excited about that, and then I found out that I know a bunch of people taking it, so it gets bonus points for that. I'm excited. Although I hope other people drop it because right now the room is really crowded. And that one's at 10am, my earliest class of the semester. No more dragging myself out of bed at 8:30 for econ.
Right after that I'm taking Health Care in the United States, which is taught by a primary care physician. He seems really nerdy and awesome, and the class so far has just gone on about how Europe is great. Although it does have its problems too. But we're really quite terrible.

On tuesdays and thursdays I'm taking my first college math class... Number Theory! I'm excited. I just didn't feel a passionate need to take multivariable calculus. I have missed numbers though, and their numbing qualities. I mean that very seriously. Sometimes I think that the mathematicians just needed something to numb them from whatever their personal burdens were, and so they turned to numbers.
And then, of course, there's Fiction I, my first year seminar that meets weekly. I have heard very good things about that class. Very good things.

So that's my semester in a nutshell. In addition to layout-editing for post- and having a social life, of course.

Love always,

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