

Tomorrow, I'm going to the dentist again. I've been reassured that what they're doing tomorrow morning won't hurt at all (they're taking a mold of a tooth), so I'm not freaking out anymore.
Tomorrow evening, I plan to be social in some capacity.
And the day after tomorrow, I'm making cupcakes.

I haven't decided what kind yet. There's this recipe for strawberry whipped cream frosting that I want to try, but I'm not sure you can get strawberries here at this time of year.
If I do that, I'll make a general vanilla cupcake and put a little strawberry slice on the top of each one.
Otherwise, I'm thinking of just making bread pudding in a cupcake tin, like they did at Duck and Bunny when I was there before the BDH Banquet (I really am just bragging at this point. Yes, my life involves non-painful dentist encounters, cupcakes, and banquets for fantastic newspapers and their even cooler associated magazines. Also, if you're the last person on earth to whom I have not told about the ball, I'm going to a ball. In Austria.)

Anyway, in the process of finding these recipes, I've been reading through a lot of cupcake blogs. And wow. They are just awful.
I mean, the cupcakes themselves look delicious. I would probably eat any cupcake I saw in the last two hours or so of browsing through these blogs. But the blogs themselves were so... disorganized! Most did not make efficient use of tags! How hard is it, exactly, to add the tag "recipe" to every post that contains a recipe? Why, it's just as hard as adding the tag "pumpkin fudge," which you will most likely only ever use once, and which helps no one.
I almost died.
The writing was of varying quality as well, but I feel more vulnerable throwing that stone, because I may very well be living in a glass house.
I'm not sure whether that last sentence made any sense, which more or less proves my point.

Anyway, I'm glad to have made these decisions and dragged myself out of the thicket of poorly organized blogging. I guess most bakers aren't bloggers by nature. I remember there being one really fantastic cupcake blog that I read a little while ago, but I can't remember the name of it. Daphna probably knows.

It just occurred to me that the last time I made cupcakes, I blogged about it. It was that time I went to the eye doctor and they dilated me and I couldn't read a damn thing, and throughout the experience I felt very much like Kierkegaard.
Hopefully sunday's attempt will be just as... inspring.

Love always,

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