
hey baby, what's your sign?

Let's be real for a second: I'm self-centered.
Very much so.
For god's sake, I keep a blog about myself. And I have over a thousand posts.

So, while I don't really believe in its legitimacy, astrology has always been cool to me. I'm an Aries, and I'd like to think it suits me.
I'd like to believe that I'm
  • energetic,
  • charming,
  • bold,
  • independent,
  • enthusiastic,
  • and, in some regards, fearless.
And on the flip side, I'll acknowledge that I could possibly be considered
  • arrogant,
  • self-centered (see above for christ's sake),
  • blunt,
  • impulsive,
  • and definitely stubborn.
So a couple weeks ago when the "new" astrological signs came out, I was a little unnerved by the thought that I was supposed to be a Pisces. I knew I wasn't a Pisces. I just looked it up. Pisces people* are "hazy" and "introspective" and "will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own." While altruism is awesome, I wouldn't say it's something I jump for. Pisces people are "shy, on the reticent side." Have you met me?
I am definitely not a Pisces.

Of course, the astrological authorities, whoever they may be, clarified that these new signs only matter if you're an infant, so I have nothing to worry about. But it begs the question: If I'd been told from birth that I was a Pisces, would I believe it? Would I even be more like that?
Just how suggestible am I?

(Obviously the answer is that I'm not suggestible at all. I'm stubborn, because I'm an Aries.)

This has been the source of a good deal of existential angst lately. By that I mean I don't care much at all but I wanted to be able to talk about how awesome Aries kids* are in a blog post and this seemed timely and relevant.

*How is one supposed to do the plural of an astrological sign? Pisceses? Arieses? Geminis? Aquarii?

Love always,

1 comment:

kmac said...

existential crisis time....they're calling me a libra...LIBRA??? Come on now, let's be real.