
it's been said before

I'm five years old.
In half an hour I have to go to the dentist and I kind of want to cry. I just don't want to go.
They're going to poke me with needles and yell at me in german and strip me of my autonomy and make my mouth hurt.
I don't like any of these things.

I've never had a good relationship with dentists.
I take sick pleasure in the fact that they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. I say, yeah, fuck you dentists, go kill yourselves.
(Which, I acknowledge, is a just terrible thought to have)
The worst part is that I actually know some dentists personally and they're fine people. I wouldn't say they're the most stimulating company, but they're not the kind of people I would wish death upon under normal circumstances.

But... dentists. It's unforgivable, really.

Quote without context: Holiday edition #2
"Can Simone touch them?"

Love always,

1 comment:

Daphna said...

this reminded me of two things:
1. c.moss's awful terrible crippling fear of dentists(did you read this?)
2. *dentists*