
goodbye, 2010, hello 2011

Last night was fantastic. It completely lived up to everyone's high hopes. I haven't had such a hilarious time in town in ages.
Also, I love champagne.

Me: I want to take a picture of the bottle of champagne in the snow and be like... poppin bottles on ice, like a blizzard.

I totally did do that, for the record.

Now it's 2011 and it's time to make resolutions! I'l try. No promises. I'm not big on having flaws to begin with (read: acknowledging flaws out loud).
  1. Be less flakey.
  2. I am only allowed to take out the trash when it is actually full.
  3. Work out at least once a week.
  4. Keep yourself organized.
  5. If I'm going to take a nap, I should set an alarm to wake me up at a designated time.
  6. Drink more water.
  7. Be confident, because I'm fantastic.
I think I can stick to most of those.
If not, I can just flake out. And break more. And be problematic. But fantastic!

Love always,

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