
adventures, such as walking

Day three of Daphna's presence is coming along swimmingly. She's getting a massage right now. I'm next. I spent most of yesterday working on a physics lab, but later today we're going to school since I've got student council obligations and such, and tomorrow is the epic-awesome-school-talent-show (in which I am singing a song that I wrote).
I'm acting like I'm nervous, and I really am nervous actually, but I'm also sort of acting like that so that I don't sound like I'm too fond of myself. I don't want to sound like "Oh, I'm singing tomorrow, it's going to be awesome." So there's that, too.

I'm really liking the word "swimmingly" lately. I haven't been swimming in ages. I think I'd like to go swimming, except the river is freezing and the pools are closed and it's just an irrational desire.
Damn those irrational desires, such as swimming.

I had really great gelato last night. I don't even want to think about how much I've eaten in the past few days. Having guests is generally a great excuse to eat great food that you wouldn't really eat by yourself. Case in point: The whole family is going out for fondue tonight. I'm pumped.

So that's what's been up lately. I also discovered that you can make folders for your playlists in itunes. This was a mind-blowing discovery. I now have two folders: times, and moods. Times are like, "june 12" or "2009 drivemix", and moods are like, "monday morning" or "chill mellowness" or "teatime".
That basically encompasses all of my playlists. But I have a lot of them, so putting them all in one place is really convenient.

This has been a really random blogpost.

Love always,

1 comment:

Daphna said...

hm, perhaps for some reason i like the name of this blog post ;P