
shakespearean verse

I was pretty sure I was better and ready to go to school today, except when I got there and felt like a zombie. I'm better, I am, but I'm still worn out.

Me: [Recites some Shakespeare from memory.... i'm sure I was doing this for a reason besides being obnoxious... but on second thought... maybe not]
Me: ...Wow, I am such a dork. Jesus.
Matt E: But why? Why do you share that with us? You could keep it to yourself... but you break into Shakespearean verse!

He's right. I could pretend not to be a dork. It would be pretty easy, I think. I'm so used to not needing to hide it though. Potomac was so conducive to expressions of dorkiness. Or maybe that was all in my head.
Maybe life is conducive to expressions of dorkiness!

I don't know.
I want a nap.

Love always,

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