
hey look! time... passes!

I've been having weird realizations lately. These realizations generally consist of the thought, "Holy shit! We're like, old!" disguised by vaguely more eloquent sentence structure.

Ponder this: In five or six months, I'm going to college (along with the rest of the class of 2010/2014). I'll start college, a teenager. And I'll come out of it, in almost every respect, an adult.
I remember hanging out in Katie's backyard before 7th grade started, marveling that it was just two short years until high school, at the time, the epitome of adulthood and maturity and everything cool and independent. High school kids weren't kids, really.
And now I'm at the end of that, so I shouldn't still see myself as a kid. But I do.
My email signature has a quote from spongebob squarepants, for god's sake.

So there are four short years until I have to do things like get a real job. Only a little bit more than that before 'dating' turns into 'finding a husband' (which I think takes away some of the fun). At a certain point, getting drunk won't be fun anymore (and I'm allowed to say that on the internet because I'm in Switzerland where I'm legal.) And all of that is really hard to imagine.

But I know just how quickly four years, six years, seventeen years, can pass.

When I was younger, say, 14, I used to think every once in a while how interesting it was to be that particular age, because any particular age is the minority, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. (I was an existential kid.)
And I haven't even thought that way for a while because I've been so wrapped up in everything else.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is,
"Holy shit! We're like, old!"

Love always,


Blue Disastrous said...

It is a very odd coincidence that I was about to blog the exact same idea when I thought, "Oh, look, blog updates!"
That aside, your blog always cheers me up, whether on a happy subject or not. The injected humor and realizations are.. so real, compared to the majority of the world's--okay, America's--seniors. Five stars and a basket of deliciousness from a bakery.
..Who does that these days?

clara said...

Oh thanks!
Yeah I think it's the time of year or something that has everyone in vaguely-philosophical mode. Depending on the nature of my realizations, I may or may not be a fan of this.
But the baked goods are much appreciated :)