
ski days: episode six, and pirates!

We went skiing yesterday.
We did jumps!
It was fun. I didn't fall. Or, I didn't fall on the jumps. I fell other times. But not hard. Anyway, my point is, jumping is great.

I had a great ski train moment where I was trying to tell some 10th graders that they were sitting in the designated senior area of the train and my authority was undermined by a fellow senior saying I was being a douche. And then the 10th graders continued to sit there, and then we were crowded, which is just silly because we are supposed to have privileges and such.
It was very frustrating.
I don't pull the seniority card often, mostly because I don't think I can really pull off intimidating. But come on. To a certain degree, what's the point of being a senior if you can't occasionally be a bitch to underclassmen?
I wasn't even being mean!
Anyway, it's been on my mind.

I've been doing work mostly today. Also, made myself an awesome sandwich for lunch. I'm inordinately proud of that.

Now, at Chris's recommendation, I'm listening to pirate metal, and surprisingly really enjoying it. Check it out:

Love always,

1 comment:

Daphna said...

i hope you know that every time people mention pirates now, i think of pirattitude and thus, you. that said, your boyfriend's music taste = music taste of replacement dog walkers. semi-ironic, no?