
what i'm excited about

I was so boring today. I don't get why I've been so boring lately. I keep getting distracted in random things and forgetting that I'm in the real world and must participate.

Me: Do you ever get that feeling that you're not actually where you are, and if you spoke no one could hear you, and all of your actions are fruitless, and everything's sort of blurry?
Oren: Um... No. No, not really.

Anyway, to bring myself back into existence, I'm trying to get myself excited about things. Here it goes:
  • I wrote/recorded a song today! And I'm going to put it on youtube! I'm not saying it's going to be good, I'm saying I did it. Hooray for creativity!
  • I bought a scarf today!
  • I go home in two months and read! And take APs...
  • Yearbook is coming along nicely!
  • My new computer should arrive pretty soon!
  • I bought film today, and I put some of it on the oven, and it will be heat-damaged which is a very desirable thing in the film world, let me tell you.
  • It's been warm out lately!
So that's cool.

Love always,

P.S. It's really bothering me that the title of this post ends in a preposition, even though I'm pretty sure that's okay to do in titles. Regardless, this post should be called, "That about which I am excited"

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