
ski days: episode five

Today was a relatively uneventful ski day, actually.

Except that after lunch I had a Red Bull "Energy Shot" thing which didn't taste so bad, actually. And right after that, Anita, our instructor showed us to a steep black slope with moguls galore.

Anita: Should we try?
Sheena: Um...
Natasha: I'm not sure.

That was fun. We did end up doing it, and I only fell once, so I was proud of that.

I was the only senior skiing, because everyone else was taking their language oral exams. I told Herr M that, if it was okay with him, I'd rather go skiing for a whole day than spend that day taking a 10 minute test that I didn't technically need to take (unlike everyone else, who was taking them for their IB diplomas). I'm taking it on Monday or Tuesday I believe.
Anyway, it meant I was chilling with the 11th graders on the train ride home.
They decided it would be cool to show me "blue waffle."
Don't google that unless you're a masochist. It's nasty.
Also, "lemon party."
These things sound so innocent! And yet... they are not. You have been warned.

We also had a vaguely intellectual conversation (started by Kajus the German) about how the German are always criticized for the Holocaust (a criticism with which none of us disagreed) but they didn't invent mass genocide, so why aren't we hating on the British for how they treated the Aborigines in Australia or the Americans for how we treated the Native Americans or the USSR for all of those people they killed or the Spanish for wiping out the Mayans?
It was an interesting discussing but I feel like none of us were fully informed on the issues at hand. No one had any statistics, and those would probably be relevant to the matter. Also, intentions. The desire to create a master race will generally step on some toes.

I had really good Chinese food tonight. Also, ran around suburban neighborhoods like the teenage deviant that I am (or would be, if I were in a movie, which I always pretend I am.)

Love always,

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