
i've been thrown into a crime novel

Protagonist: The charming young artistic student council member, who has made copious signage regarding the school talent show.
Setting: An international school with an attitude problem, that seemed to be coming around.
The Crime: Serial sign-snatching.
Suspects: A teacher with a vendetta against student council productions? An immature freshman, trying to prove himself to his friends? Something even more sinister?

Seriously. Someone is taking down my signs and throwing them in the garbage.
Obviously, our criminal does not know how borderline-impossible it is to shut me up. Which rules out just about everyone I'm friends with.
I took the ones I could find out of the garbage bins, and taped them back up. I even added additional signs below them, saying "Why did this happen?" on the crumpled ones and "Why was this in the garbage bin?" on the ones that looked fine.
When I couldn't find the discarded signs (which I worked hard on!) I put up more signs, that said "There used to be a sign here. Why is it gone?"

This criminal does not know who he's messing with.

Me: *puts up a crumpled sign that had been in the garbage*
Robert: Clara, have you heard of Sisyphus?
Me: *cracks up*
Robert: No one else at this school would get that joke...
Me: My nemesis will find that it is his task that is Sisyphean!

And I think that was the moment that I outweirded Robert.
But seriously. I will not quit. I am gravity/the rock in this situation.

Love always,

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