
the list of things that fascinate me

The other day I was walking around with Chris and happened to stumble upon a gorgeous Swiss landscape. This happens all the time. I had a brief wannabe-Walt-Whitman moment, and Chris thought I was a nutjob, and nothing was out of the ordinary.
A bit later on, he literally walked down someone else's driveway to look at a car. That fascination flew over my head.
He explained himself this way: "I appreciate three things. Beautiful cars, beautiful women, and beautiful guitars... and food. So that's four, actually." At which point I called him typical and he did not argue.

Later, as we were walking around, I realized I recognized some buildings in the distance, which was pretty cool, because it means I'm getting my bearings.

Me: I love figuring out where stuff is.
Chris: You are so weird.
Me: See, you've got your four things... the list of things that fascinate me is a lot longer, and a lot more random.

So, without further ado, an abridged list of the things that fascinate me-
  • Figuring out where stuff is
  • Gorgeous landscapes, preferably in some sort of twilight
  • Running water (in nature, not in your sink)
  • My puppy
  • People and their interactions with each other. Especially random and unexpected moments of empathy. Look out for those, because they happen and they're fascinating.
  • Social constructs such as "school"
  • What is art?
  • Can I wear black and brown at the same time? I plan to.
  • Breaking the rules!
  • Identities
  • Stereotypes and their causes, and their reinforcements
  • All the things that can go wrong within the brain
  • All the things that can go wrong in general
  • What is society?
  • Language, and the fact that I am conveying ideas with weird squiggly shapes, and you know exactly what I'm talking about, and can infer so much more than just the literal meaning, somehow, in your brain. Whoa.
  • Humor. What's that about?
  • Personalities
  • Friendship, and how that happens, and how it doesn't
  • How people change and why and to what end
  • Sunlight
  • Yes, food
  • And yes, guitar
There's more.
There's a lot of interesting stuff out there, besides food and guys and guitar and cars (which don't even make it onto my list, although driving might).

So, is that a gender thing?
Or was I just brought up in a more contemplative environment?
So many questions!

Daphna is probably already at the airport. So excited for that.

Love always,

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