
rabbit rabbit rabbit

Welcome to the first day of meteorological spring!
I'm not talking about astronomical spring, here. That'll have to wait another twenty one days.

Today was also day one of my anti-stress diet. I'm exhausted, but feeling calm, so that's a good thing.
So badly wanted to buy Red Bull today. Made a friend at the grocery though!

Me: [checking out, buying yogurt] Kann ich einen loffel haben?
Coop woman: Ja! Bravo! Gut! Anfang ist schwerig... sehr gut!
Me: Danke! Aha, danke! Schone Tag!

Basically, what happened there was that I asked for a spoon using vaguely correct German grammar, the checkout woman reacted as if I'd given some kind of Oscar-worthy performance (and basically said it was okay that it had taken me this long to figure it out, because "beginning is hard,") and my ego exploded.

Danny: She was laughing at you.

As opposed to the is-she-retarded? way they tend to laugh at me when I ask for a "spoon fork spoon fork spoon fork spoon."

That's a true story. That happened one time. I had forgotten which word was which, so I figured if I just said both, they'd know which one I meant. It didn't really go so well.

So tired.
Sleeping in tomorrow. That'll help.

Today I wore a dress with tights. As I was walking home, I cut through Loeb department store (because it's warmer than walking around the block).

Loeb lady: Ihr Sackli!--
Me: Sorry?
Loeb lady: [pulls on my dress] [stumbles with english] ... I see your ass!
Me: Oh! Um... Thanks then! Wow... Okay... Thanks!

My dress had ridden up and stuck itself under my bookbag while I walked. I don't know how long I was walking around Bern like that. Pretty awkward, if I do say so myself.
However, I like that the Loeb worker didn't speak much english, but could figure out, "I see your ass!"
I'm sure that one comes in handy a lot.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Just letting you know that you missed the Upper School musical. You were missed, though.

inkprincess said...

Your grammar is good, no mistakes in your Löffel-sentence ;). I actually had to laugh about the 'Ihr Sackli'-part - I guess you reported the actual phrase the woman said for it sounded very, very much like Switzerland indeed :D.

clara said...

@ anonymous oh i'm well aware. i'm sort of crushed about it actually. trying not to let it get to me. there were a handful of things that i was really looking forward to this year and that was one of them, and every time these landmarks pass without me i feel like i've lost something

@ inkprincess haha thanks! it only took me... six months to learn how to ask for a spoon properly :P
and yes, the swiss have a funny way of speaking hahaha

Katie said...

This story made me choke on my apple. oh your life...