
a few notes that are mostly unrelated to each other

  1. I think my blog post title names are getting less coherent by the day.
  2. The talent show is today! Daph and I are rolling into school at around two to help set up, and of course, to appreciate the splendor that is my school. (Hear that? Splendor) I'll put videos up if anything interesting happens, so if you happen to be participating (wouldn't that be cool?), your worldwide fame is probably inevitable.
  3. This is my 991st post. That means I have 9 to go until I have 1000, at which point I will write some kind of nostalgic sentimental self-indulgent blogging-commemorative post. Sounds like fun, right?
  4. Yesterday I ended up getting coffee with Daphna and Chris. As much as I enjoy the worlds colliding, that is better done when there is no awkward third-wheeling involved. Daphna plays second fiddle to no man, so there was definitely a weird vibe there. Not sure what that was about.
  5. There's an easter egg hunt thing at my house today. I'm excited for that. Little kids are cute. I want some. Fact.
  6. But not right now?
  7. I have so much work to do and my parents have decided this is a good time to plan crazy trips everywhere. As much as I'm looking forward to going to Venice, the timing could be better. Oh, life is hard when you don't have time to go to Venice.
Love always,

1 comment:

Daphna said...

i like the part where you have "no time" to go to venice. okay, clara, i'm sure you're just that "busy" :P