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Princeton was epic in countless ways.
We beat their football team. Go bears! Also, our marching band had pizzaz.

There were so many fantastic quotes without context last night.

Daphna: I want to high five the world!

Me: Hey chief! How have you been?
Princeton Guy [whom I have never met in my life]: Oh hi! Remind me of your name?
Me: Oh I'm Clara. I don't remember your name either... I've just met so many people in the past month...
Princeton Guy: Oh right! Clara! I'm Bryan.

David: The best way to get into my pants is to compliment them.

Guy on the phone: I'm going to die. I'm gonna die over here.
Me: Excuse me sir, but please don't die. No deaths here.

Now I'm back in brown town, going to meetings and doing work and such.
Has it occurred to anyone the degree to which one's activities and routines depend on their location?
Is that such an obvious point that no one would bother to comment on it?
Maybe I'm just super insightful today?

Love always,

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