
poetry, antisocial tendencies, and tflan

I am going to remind you now to read Thomas's blog, mostly because this post was mostly inspired by him.

He was talking about autumn, and a poem he wrote once. I used to write shitty poetry as a child as well. I think we all did.
But what this all most reminded me of was a poem that I didn't write. No, this is the artistic masterpiece of Katie, age... 6? I don't know. I'd like to say 9 or something, but she was definitely among the more literate in our fourth grade class, and the spelling here indicates otherwise.

Katie, I'm sorry, but I have to share this.
tristen is a trixter
i know its true
he some times
evean cears me up
when i'm bluue,
i'm sure of the
trixter part,
but i still
like him in my hart
"NO" said the teachers
but he still
ran on the bleachers,
Hes verry tuff,
and sometimes ruff
oh i love tristen
We were both somewhat in love with Tristan at various times in our elementary school years.
I like that it was his 1st grade badassery that attracted Katie. I remember having a huge crush on Patrick A. that year because this one day we were doing some kind of activity that involved flipping coins, and we were partners, and instead of actually following directions he showed me magic tricks for the whole 15 minutes.
What. A. Rebel.

I wish I had more of my younger-years shitty poetry. I know there was a lot of it on my old old laptop (that I had in 7th and 8th grade).
I was a little bit emo. Always lovesick. Generally unsatisfied most of the time.

Mary Evelyn: I'm going sailing today!
John: Cool! What kind of sailing?
Mary Evelyn: I think it's one of those boats where you have to strap yourself in. They're going to put me with more experienced people.
Me: Sailing is nice. I like sailing on small boats... by myself. I just like being by myself on a boat in the water. Actually, I just like being alone.
Benny: Whoa, how did this get from sailing to antisocial behavior? Like, "Yeah sailing is fun... I hate people."
Me: I don't know. It seemed like a pretty natural transition.

I may be turning into one of those people who can turn any inane thing (such as, perhaps, mooing at cows?) into a reflection of my inner turmoil.
Not sure how I ended up like that.
Probably too much dentistry in my life.
I went to the dentist again yesterday. Just for a cleaning this time. But still. I hate the dentist. I had this whole rant to Genevieve last night about how much I hate dentists.

Anyway, Thomas's blog is really picking up and I really want him to stick with it, because I laughed out loud several times just now, catching up.

Love always,

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