
oh what a weekend

Sorry I've been absent. I've also been busy.
Yesterday Alex and I went to the mall. It was fantastic. The mall-people put makeup on us, which I loved. Apparently Alex's person was overzealous with the foundation, which didn't fly, but regardless the experience as a whole was a positive one.
We really shouldn't go shopping together. It's dangerous.

Now I'm in the ratty doing homework, trying to have everything finished by five.
Clearly that's going really well, seeing as I'm blogging.

Not my fault. N. Gregory Mankiw, former economic advisor to George W. Bush, author of my econ textbook, is evil and cruel and wants me to go through pages and pages of government reports to answer his (frankly, quite useless) questions about tax policy. If he wants me to analyze some data, he'd better provide me with the fucking data, not send me on a ridiculous wild goose chase.
I'd really rather not do that.

Also, what the hell is an economic advisor to dubya doing writing my econ textbook? I wouldn't say that the economics of 2000-2008 were the most successful. Quite the opposite, actually. Are they trying to teach me how to run the economy into the ground?
Luckily, my professor is quick to point out any glaringly obvious conservative-propaganda-based blanket statements.

So I'm annoyed about econ right now. That's about it.

Love always,

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