
your love your love your love is my drug

Trashy music for the win.

Girl: [opens door for us]
Me: Friendly strangers for the win!
John: No one says 'for the win,' Clara.
Hannah: Um...
Girl: I say 'for the win'
John: ... I meant, no one among the three of us.
End scene)

Seriously, the ke$ha concert was awesome. The first opener, Deluka, was pretty sweet, and the second was very bizarre, and the main event didn't show up until 10, but that's all well and good. So worth the wait.

I'd forgotten how much I legitimately like her music, actually. I downloaded her album
when it first came out, and listened to a lot of Ke$ha in mid-January.
Mid-January was an interesting time for me, actually, for a number of reasons. Ke$ha was in fact a good influence, I think.

The thing about her is that I'm fairly certain she was drunk on stage tonight. She absolutely does not take herself too seriously.
First semester last year, I was definitely taking myself too seriously. But you listen to songs about actually, perhaps, going out and enjoying yourself, and it's hard to stay focused on dumb overdramatic shit.
I might need a little more Ke$ha in my life.

Don't want to be the Ke$ha of the group though. Every group of friends has that one girl who is the Ke$ha. I'd like to avoid that.

... Although it might be too late.

Love always,

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