
Being on Boats

The infamous "I'm on a boat" video has reached a new level of fame here.

I am basically blogging for blogging's sake.

Also, David has a message for Daphna, but I can't post it until I get home. Sorry. It's worth the wait, I swear.

We've been playing several epic games of "what are you doing?", the game in which you do something, and then the next person asks you what you're doing, and then you reply with something else entirely, which is what that next person has to do. And so on.
  • "I'm in love with Trevor"
  • "I'm trying to do the macerena, but I have severe burn wounds"
  • "I'm doing the worm"
  • "I am beating a dead cat"
  • "I am Britney Spears's greatest fan"
  • "Greg killed my mother"
This is really fun, but I also can't wait to get home and try to scrape together whomever is in town to chill, before I find myself leaving on a jetplane.

Love always,

1 comment:

Katie said...

I wish I was going to be one of those people you could scrape together to chill! Visit Eleni and me!