For instance.
What other comic can seamlessly integrate a time vs. drama graph into the third panel without anyone blinking an eye?
Think about it. Their awesomeness is unparalleled. I would draw a graph for it, and it would be exponentially increasing.
This reminds me of this one time in Italy. I think it was the day that we had the very old prostitute as our guide, and it was FREEZING. Yes, this was Pompeii day. Anyways, we were back in Sorrento, or thereabouts, and we were warming up/getting hot beverages such as tea or hot chocolate at this random place before our reservation at the most epic pizza place I have ever been. So I'm sitting there with Katie and Tom and Eric and I think Eleni, and we start making graphs on napkins.
Because we're cool like that.
The graphs were cool things like sanity vs. sleep and irritability vs. temperature.
By 'cool', you know I obviously mean 'almost embarrassingly nerdy'
Whatever. I embrace this fact.
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