
We're back, we're back in san fransisco

That's a line of a Vanessa Carlton song.
I'm currently in San Fransisco. It's sweet.
Film camp is cool in that there are fifteen of us, and my roommate is the only other girl. It's a good thing she's cool or that would be mad awkward.

I have a billion and a half epic documentary ideas. GET READY. I promise to post them here.
My problem in this is that I'm too philosophical. I'm like, "Okay, now I'm going to make a five minute film about the meaning of life. That's not hard, right?"

My parents, because I was flying alone and that's stressful and because my mom does things this way, got me into first class. Pretty sweet.
Also, I made friends with the Australian flight attendant on my way here. Our Real Conversation-
Him: What happened to your iPod (the screen is broken, by the way)
Me: Oh, I dropped my backpack
*small talk*
Him: You know, apple will fix it for sixty dollars if you send it in.
Me: Oh really? Sweet. I should do that.
Him: Although if you're riding first class you can probably just buy a new one. POUND IT!
*we do a terrorist-fist-bump*

I like making friends.

Love always,

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