
Ice Cream!

Prom was great.
I am so tired it's ridiculous.
And brain dead.

So, let's talk about Daphna's love life.
Once upon a time, there was a guy who was into masculine ballet. Daphna was in love. He was sexy and he was into discussing interesting ideas and whatnot. He was great. I met him too once, and I thought he was cool.
Then that ended. Daphna also really likes ice cream. Sometimes she thinks she's had enough ice cream (vanilla bean is her favorite flavor by the way) but then she realizes that she always wants more.
Vanilla bean ice cream is really the perfect flavor of ice cream anyways. It's smooth and simple. But the thing about vanilla bean ice cream is that it doesn't get tangled up in the typical trappings of high school life, such as chocolate chips or relationships or anything that would mar the beauty of the Vanilla bean. Not in a pretentious way, but just acknowledging the fact that vanilla bean ice cream needs nothing more to be wonderful.
From the beginning of ice creams, Vanilla bean and Chocolate have gone hand in hand. Daphna sometimes finds herself wanting to eat chocolate ice cream in the middle of the night, but she knows this is a bad decision. She doesn't know why she wants chocolate ice cream, because she doesn't actually like it. She just craves its flavor every once in a while. Usually this is remedied not by eating any actual chocolate ice cream, but just by looking up chocolate ice cream and its properties on wikipedia
The problem is that this cool girl, who eats fine aged ice creams of her own choosing, also looks up chocolate ice cream on wikipedia, and sometimes even google-image-searches Chocolate Ice Cream.
Chocolate ice cream gets a lot of random interest, despite the fact that it is never actually eaten.
Also, there's vanilla cream ice cream, which has a name very similar to vanilla bean ice cream. Daphna likes vanilla cream ice cream on occasion, but generally vanilla cream ice cream is a little jealous that Daphna trusts vanilla bean ice cream more in matters of making her taste buds happy.
The fact of the matter is that although sometimes frisbees have the power to melt vanilla bean ice cream, it might always refreeze. Daphna, for reasons incomprehensible to me, never feels like she should take vanilla bean ice cream out of this freezer to eat it. My god, if you have delicious vanilla bean ice cream in your vicinity, and it just takes a little effort to open the freezer, eat your ice cream! 
She may be afraid that once she tries to open the freezer, the ice cream will melt for good and it will never be able to be refrozen again and the world will have lost some great frozen ice cream.

And by frozen ice cream, I mean love.

Then there are the other people. Wow, Daphna's world is ridiculously complicated.

Sorry that that made no sense at all unless you're Daphna, and even if you are Daphna (Hi Daphna!) it probably didn't make that much sense. I'm really tired. 
And I rarely make sense when I'm tired.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

this made me crack up

also: skype me about prom? i say skype because my phone is still not working. meh.

darkeyes said...

shirley here =]
love all the bizzare yet perfect references! i approve!

Katie said...

I know nothing of Daphna's love life, but I had a vague idea of what was going on it. That was weird.
I think I'm with Clara here (on taking it out of the refrigerator, screw the possible melting.)

chloe said...

i actually understand that crazy metaphor that is ice cream!