
What madness.

Congratulations to the class of 09!
What a weird day.
Woke up on a couch, went to go sing, sang, got a tuna sandwich and ate it, sat at Greenberry's for what must have been several hours, then went back to Claire's house where she and Lily and Eleni and I arranged a four-pound tub of jellybeans by color. 
It was beautiful.
Then Lily gave me a henna tattoo of the symbol for 'dragon', because I'm her dragon and we are all each other's dragons, I think. If that's possible. Can I be your dragon?

Then I went home. Or rather, tried to go home.
I sat on 123 for a while, thinking the traffic was for the bridge and once I got on the parkway I'd be fine. 
You couldn't get onto the parkway, because there were cones. So I turned around and wandered the various highways of northern virginia in rush hour. Garmin was my only friend; my phone had died. I was off the grid.
It would have been exciting, but traffic wasn't moving on 66 for a solid half hour.

Real Conversation inside my head-
Me: This is kind of cool. Except not. BORINGEST ADVENTURE EVER.

I finally did get to a moving road that I recognized, and legit sang a little song to myself when I did. It was victory against the evil traffic machine.

Then I got home and looked at pictures of my new house, and claimed my bedroom. I am eldest, and I get priority. The sister will deal; it's not like either of the rooms-that-would-be-ours are bad.
(But mine is better!)

Love always,

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