
blog tags > embarassment

I'm currently sitting in bed, in sweatpants, with a cup of tea on one side and a box of tissues on my other. And I'm sucking on a Ricola. Do we have cranberry-flavored Ricolas in America? Because they're great.
Although not quite as effective as the original flavor (honey-lemon? I don't even know).

I slept in again today, because I'm sick and also because my first class (Theory of Knowledge, for the creepers) wasn't until 11. I had a presentation to do, so I had to get there.

I came into school and saw Mr. T, the crazy incredible art teacher. We were chatting, when Mr. L, my homeroom teacher, came up to me.

Mr L: Did you just come in?
Me: Yeah. I slept in. I'm sick.
Mr L: You look well enough to me!
Me: I know. I try really hard. But really, I'm sick.

A moment of uncensored honesty in the morning.

That day, the presentations were on euthanasia, capital punishment, and the 2012 predictions (mine). It was essentially 'Morbid Day'.
Except I gave mine some pizazz and enthusiasm. The first slide was a list of "facts" about the end of the world. I was very excited about these facts.
It probably had something to do with my cold. I tend to get really enthusiastic when I'm sick, because I just lose my filter and say literally anything.

I took myself to Starbucks after school- I've been craving hot tea. I had intended to stay a while and drink some tea and read The Great Gatsby (again), but it was crowded so I opted to take my tea home with me.
Which meant I had to walk around with it, and naturally at first it was too hot to drink. So it kept splashing out of the holes in the cap and burning my hands. I was crossing the street on one such occurrence, and so I did what any well-meaning-but-not-thinking-clearly person would do- I licked my hand.
And then I look in to the car I was passing and this middle aged man has the most confused expression on his face I have ever seen.
I just walked away. I mean, what else could I do?
The worst part though was that right after all of this transpired, I thought, "Well that's a 'Doing Weird Things In Public'".

Love always,

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