But sometimes I feel compelled by insecurity or something, and I do it.
Generally when one lies about oneself, it's to hide flaws.
That's what I'm talking about right now.
Here's a fact I've never denied: I have copious flaws.
Some of them bother me, and some of them I'm almost proud of.
- I like Miley Cyrus. I really do. I like Miley Cyrus more than my fourteen year old sister likes Miley Cyrus (although, to be fair, she's still in that hard rock phase).
- I love chocolate. Like, too much. I'll go out of my way to eat chocolate. Or just sugar in general.
- As I mentioned, I'm a narcissist.
- And as I mentioned, I'm insecure. Contradictions!
- I'm naive. And I'm an optimist to the point of denial.
- I'm really pretentious. Like, I struggle to find respect for people who aren't up to my intellectual standards. I'm getting better at it though.
- I look for comfort in the wrong places.
- I can't bring myself to take things like grades seriously. I know I'm smart (see point #5), so what other people think of that doesn't bother me much.
- I either talk too much or not at all. I go from zero to annoyingly talkative in about twenty seconds.
- I'm indecisive. Otherwise known as 'fickle'.
- I have always hated sports. Really.
- I sort of hate people who take sports really seriously. Especially professional sports. Like, if someone is upset because they didn't play well, that's fine. If someone is upset because some team to which they have basically no connection didn't play well, then they need a life.
- I'm shy. Sometimes social interaction completely exhausts me.
- I waste a lot of time on blogs like these ones. And then I say "Oh, I have that book but I haven't read it yet- I don't have time to read." I do have time to read. I just don't.
I think this list is more indicative of who I am than anything I said in the other post. Maybe we're defined by our flaws. Anyone can be smart or pretty or anything else, but the combination of our flaws is what makes us individuals.
I don't feel like I really know someone until I've begun to figure out their issues.
But that doesn't make me like them less.
Love always,
lena of sex and the ivy is kind of reminding me of you! I'm assuming that you'll take that as the compliment I meant it as.
I probably should have been studying for exams instead of reading some Harvard girl's blog. Whoops. Your fault.
3 weeks!
i would like to take full credit for your new found addiction to the best blog ever, sex and the ivy. because it's awesome and i adore lena, and she sort of reminds me of you but actually not at all but i think it's just one of those things. also, katie, if you get addicted to sex and the ivy too i will feel doubly cool/influential/well-informed.
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