
woman cereal

I didn't know cereal had a gender.
I'm just going to make tee
I made cereal as well
haha niiice
what kind?
The women one
I'm now on skype with David. So you know I'm cracking up over something.

David: At my last debate tournament, I went 2 and 2. Holla!
Clara: I know. I saw it on twitter.
David: You saw my twat. I know you did.

I always do.

David: I'm sitting in a very seductive pose, in hopes that the internet will stay on.
Clara: So this is how you're going to lure it back to you?
David: Yes.
David: I have to sit back. Seductive poses are uncomfortable. Maybe that's why they're seductive.

Maybe it is. I don't know all that much about seduction, to be perfectly honest.

David: So I said, "I guess slow drivers just get me all hot and bothered." It was awkward for everyone else. It wasn't awkward for me.
David: Are you blogging?
Me: Yeah.

David has a henna tattoo of a truck. I'd never seen one of those before. It looks pretty cool though.

David: I always get that mixed up with "Win a date with Tad Hamilton"
Me: I really... remember seeing that movie. I was going to say something about whether I really liked it or really hated it but I honestly have no idea. I just know that I've seen it.
David: I've definitely seen that movie six times.

I like how people feel the need to proclaim a strong opinion on certain things when they are mentioned. Like movies. Mention a movie in public. People will either say "That movie sucked" or "I LOVE THAT MOVIE." People never say "I feel apathetic about that." People will admit they haven't seen a movie... only sometimes.

David: So here's the short version. Dog humps niece, sister-in-law pushes dog, mom laughs ass off, David gets angry over pushed dog, no one cares about niece.

David just showed me a nerdy website that you potomac kids are apparently really enjoying. I like it.

Love always,

1 comment:

Katie S. said...