
call me odyssea of the web

So i decided the other day that i wanted a blog. A public one, that is. I've already alluded to my 'online diary' of sorts (which sounds silly but is great when i want to write something and i'm not with my laptop... although, i'm always with my laptop)(sidenote- that online diary was on blogger). I decided this while playing around with twitter, which is probably my new addiction. It's beginning to replace facebook. That's how addicted I am. Anyway, I looked around and figured, "hey tumblr looks cool, i'll try that".
so i did for about a day, and it was actually way fun, except that there were no comments, which annoyed me. I want some kind of community, you know? So that wasn't really working out.
So i do some googling, which i do pretty frequently, and I stumble upon wordpress. Now, lonelygirl15, one of my favorite websites ever, is hosted by wordpress, so I had high hopes. However, after some frustration I discovered that wordpress is almost impossible to customize. Every single template SCREAMS template, and you can't change that unless you are intensely good at CSS. Which I am not, i'm ashamed to say. I hardly understand regular HTML. Although, this one time in sixth grade, i decided i would make a website with HTML. It was called "Watermelon Seeds" and it was pink. 
Anyways, this wordpress blog seemed destined to be generic. Not my style. So i thought to myself, what has a community, can be customized, and is relatively easy to deal with?
So here I am again, back where I started. And I love it.

Typing this post, I realize how many times I start sentences with the word "so". Maybe that means I'm logical or something. Cause and effect, all that.
You know how we do.

Love always,

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