
elaborate lies and seducing strangers.

If college doesn't work out, I could always just be the village temptress.
Honestly, I have had so many random non-encounters on my various methods of public transportation.
like today: the story of blonde boy.

he gets on the red line with me. He is attractive. I look at him. Sure. whatever.
then we get to my transfer. It's his too. I walk with him, kind of. I don't know if he realizes I'm walking with him, but I am. And when it's time to decide what train to get on (yellow line, southbound for me), he gets on the same one I do. same car. this was his decision (if you can call it that). So we both sit, kind of across the aisle from each other. And we have several moments of awkward eye contact. He gets up to get off at his stop, a couple stops before mine. Before he leaves he looks back and we have another awkward eye contact moment.
It is beautiful.
and he leaves, and I'm grinning to myself over how I got him to notice me.

I may very possibly be a sociopath.

Once, I told a guy on the bus that I had three sisters, played lacrosse, was a senior, and wanted to be an economics major. Elaborate lies.
or maybe I'm telling YOU elaborate lies.
And you would never know.

The sociopath thing is sounding more probable every day.

Love always,

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