
This is not what i wanted to do here

but I need to vent, or rant, or something.
I'm in one of those moods where I need to be random and crazy or i'm going to cry.
I just watched the series credits of lonelygirl15, which did not help my emotional state.
And I'm just freaking out for no reason at all and I just ate like, a full cup of raisins and chocolate chips. No joke. And that just makes me want to cry even more.
So i'm checking out Julia Allison's website (if you're unfamiliar, http://julia.nonsociety.com) and there's a music video lipsyncing thing of some song about loving your body. And so i said to myself, "yes, give me that"
which makes me think of camp, and a certain thing we used to say. And that thing was "GIVE IT TO ME HARD, WEATHER GODS!"
Which is just so weird (there's a long and elaborate backstory, i swear). And right now I just need to say it, or something like it, to keep me sane. If I'm not being ridiculous, I'm probably going to break down within the next ten minutes.
I know for a fact that in the next ten minutes i'll either be crying or having a giggle fit. It's just one of those moments.
I'm hoping it's the latter.
I don't even know what's gotten into me. I just have this chaotic energy and i want to make it something positive, but it's not looking good as of now.
Sorry. I didn't mean for this blog to be about my inner dilemmas or whatever. I meant for it to be about... my life or something. You know what? Right now, this IS my life. So deal with it.
Now I'm pissed off at something.
Well, it's better than being fragile.
I'm going to go find somewhere more productive to focus this strange feeling. I cannot dwell.

Love always,

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