
A minor snag

Alas. The Kanye thing didn't work out. Apparently you need ID to get in if you look a day younger than 40 (really. they were carding people who were easily 35. it's just how they roll). Although while waiting for the manager's word on whether i could get in anyways with parental consent, I was telling the bouncers all about how I'm a senior at Georgetown, and it's nice going to college near home. They said "Sorry, we have to check. It's the young face"
I said "Don't worry about it. I get this all the time. I mean, I'm only just 21. The past 4 months have been a lot of this"
They love that stuff, apparently. If they knew I was full of shit, they hid it well.
Then Dad and I left to "go get my purse from the hotel" so that I could have my completely legal ID.
I like that my first attempt at sneaking in to a 21+ event was facilitated by my father.

Whatever. Tomorrow night will have it's share of musical performers. Tomorrow night will be BEAST.

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

clara, basically i love your family.