
Gossip girl

Daphna and Vivian and I are watching gossip girl straight through. We're up to episode four. And it's almost five in the morning.

This is what we do.

Vivian is musing about how my school has a lot of beautiful people and hers doesn't. It's a shame. Ironic too, because her school has so many more people than mine. Curious curious curious.

Now we're talking about a kid named 'Sherlock' and how he's acting weird.
But flirtatious.
It's very cute.
Vivian has started school already, and I haven't, and neither has Daphna. It's sad. And Daphna's school doesn't get out for summer until like, almost July. I get out in early June. My mom says that the more you pay to go to school, the less you actually go. That's kind of proving to be true.

And the conversation has moved on to colleges. At Princeton, only a certain percentage of people are allowed to get As, so it doesn't benefit you to help your friends. That is EXACTLY why I'm not applying there. It's like, Daphna's dream.

Vivian is going somewhere in Canada. McGill. It's really good, apparently.

I have no idea where I want to go to college. Maybe Swarthmore. Maybe Williams. My dad went there. I'm kind of thinking Pomona would be cool too, because I like california. 
Now I'm thinking about California.
Which leads to all kinds of other thoughts that tend to occur to me around five in the morning.

Oh well. We're off to watch the fourth episode of Gossip Girl.

Love always,

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