
My old-ass house

I live in an old-ass house.
This causes some problems. We went through hell to get wi-fi everywhere. My allergies do not thank me for 200 years worth of dust. The floorboards creak.
But I love it.
I never realized how much I like it until we came here to nantucket, where we rented yet another old-ass house. It's nice, but really old. Which is cool.
My other friends staying here have rented a house that was just built recently. It's still got that good old nantucket charm, but it's not the same. I feel like i've entered suburbia when I visit. Nantucket is not supposed to have suburbia. Hell, I don't think the WORLD should have places like that. I don't like things so generic.

Anyway, none of this even occurred to me until my friend said "oh yeah, we could go hang out at your old-ass house".
"I like my old-ass house" I said. I tastefully omitted the fact that i actually prefer my old-ass rental house to hers.
I figured it would be less polite to say "or we could go chill at your generic-ass suburban residence". I'm not offended. She likes that kind of thing.
Homogeny isn't really on my list of faves.
So I'll take my old-ass house, with its possible ghosts and crumbly bricks. That's how I do.

On another note, I just read an xkcd comic about how you can easily move the hyphen in these sorts of things, turning "old-ass house" into "old ass-house"
I love my ass-house.

Love always,

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