Hey. So the day's not over yet (still have yet to go to the Kanye West concert/event thing) and Joe Biden hasn't spoken yet (planning to watch that on msnbc), but day one so far has been awesome.
Got off the plane, checked in at hotel, ran over to sunfest, this event for solar energy. My friend's uncle was in the band that was playing, so we chilled there for a while, but it was a billion degrees. I think they may have been trying to prove a point- See how much power the sun has to make you miserable? It also has the power to give us alternative energy!
So my friend and I decided to peace out and he showed me this coffee place in Denver. I had this great vanilla milkshake with an espresso shot. Yummy and awake-making. Wonderful.
At that point our mothers decided to also bail from the heatfest and join us for a moment in the car that we have rented, which kind of happens to be a stretch limo. This, i swear, was actually because it was all the car place had left. We called kind of late. But we figure as long as we're paying for it, we might as well enjoy it, so my mom went to her lunch and told the driver to give us (my friend and his mom and I) a tour of Denver.
So that was cool, because our driver knows EVERYTHING. He's really quite cool.
After that it was convention time. We got on this bus that took us all the way around the Pepsi Center (the scenic route behind the amusement park?) and thus avoided some of the insane lines but not all of them. That's cool. we found seats, which was the priority.
I had this moment when I thought I had lost my camera and came *this* close to dying. I'd dropped it somewhere getting pizza in this HUGE, INSANELY CROWDED place. Mom of course was convinced it was stolen, but I would hear none of it. We asked some DNC volunteer if she'd seen anything, and she said no but I gave her my name and phone number just in case (note that at this point i was on the verge of flipping out beyond reason). About ten minutes later I'm back in my seat checking the floor, and she calls me. It's found.
She never even told me who found it or where. She just said that she 'prayed on it' and gave me a hug. I took a picture of her with my newly found camera. I'll upload it when I get home. This woman is my hero.
So then we heard Bill Clinton speak. He really is great. I was impressed. He spoke at my school a couple years ago (which was way beyond cool), but this speech was better. Although the view was better in my school auditorium...
Oh, the lives we lead.
So now I'm listening to Joe Biden's speech and laughing at his "George... I mean John McCain" freudian slip moment.
Later tonight, as mentioned, I'm going to an event with Kanye West performing. You have no idea how much this thrills me.
Or maybe you do :)
Anyway, I'm just bragging about my awesome life.
Forgive me. I'm excited.
P.S. Eva Longoria is staying at my hotel. Saw her in the lobby today in a purple velour sweat suit, big sunglasses and all. She really is short. But beautiful.
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