That was a weird post last night. I was having a moment of madness.
It is what is known in the world of psychology and after school specials as a "cry for help"
The thing about the sky exploding is from a song, by the way. I'm not crazy. Or I am, but the song is "Avera Kedavra" by Age of Rockets.
So I wrote that and I grabbed my phone and sent text messages in every direction and got my ipod and put on a sweatshirt and took a walk.
I almost took a drive, but realized if I gave myself car keys I might find myself in Carlisle Pennsylvania with no gas and little money, in the dark, with literally nowhere to go.
And I walked from my house all the way down past the old movie theater before I realized I had no idea where I was going. So I turned around and walked to Ross and stood there in the body wash/ugly handbag section freaking out some more. With my phone.
Then I was told to get a book so I walked to the bookstore and bought it. At that point it was raining. A normal person would have gone home but I didn't want to, not at all, so then I went down to the river and bought an egg roll, and walked back home after that because I didn't want my parents to beat me home and wonder where I'd gone.
Then I ate my egg roll and read some Kerouac and didn't do my english homework.
And now I'm in Latin.
Wishing I could give more details. Some of you know.
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