
With Katie

Or rather, she's running right now, because that's what crazy runners do, but I'm at her house.

Sorry for the bloglessness yesterday as well. My god. I need to be more disciplined. Or have more to say. I did have something to say, and that something was these conversations from math class.

Backstory: While answering homework problems on the board, Hanna has drawn a man jumping on a trampoline inside a cube.
Mr H: (about math) Good. This looks nice.
Hanna: Something else that looks nice is the man jumping on a trampoline in a cube.
Mr H: That's very sad for him, unless it's a hypercube

Me: If it were obvious, we wouldn't spend doing it. (long pause, several confused looks)... spend TIME doing it, I mean.
Mr H: Sometimes I spend doing it.

In retrospect, doesn't it sound a little bit like he's talking about prostitution? I'm not implying anything here, because the comment made sense in the context of clara-being-an-idiot, but wow.

I slept for like, twelve hours last night. It was good.

Love always,

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