Um, I just rediscovered the game "Extreme Heli Boarding".
I used to be beast at this game.
I had a screenshot of the score screen when I got a score that said like, "You are an Olympic Level Boarder Dude!" or something.
I saved it entitled "Career Options".
Anyway, if you are finding yourself with more free time than you know what to do with, play this game.
It turns out after a year or two of not playing I kind of suck. But I know I can do better.
Math was funny yesterday. It was also funny today.
Shivani was playing with some paper...
Shivani: Now it's an arrow
Me: Nice. You can point at things with it. Very assertive.
Sam: *talking*
Mr H: Sam.
Sam: I was talking to Reilley!
Mr H: I know.
Me: I'm using hand diagrams
Sam: Handigrams, if you will.
Mr H: Using the quotient rule... this seems correct
Me: I know not seems.
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