I love the sky.
Everything it does.
Someone I slightly stalk took this picture:

She's a photographer, which helps, and I wouldn't doubt her camera is amazing, but she has captured a certain moment of sunset that I don't sense many people noticing in the picture (except WhiteJacketLady in the front, who I suspect is actually looking at the sculpture).
It's the moment of sunset when there's nothing direct to demand your attention, and these people at this gathering of whatever sort are going about their business as usual.
I've been at outdoor cocktail parties, fund raisers, what have you, at this hour. I want to spend the whole time walking in my heels, staring at the sky and singing to myself. And it's impossible to make any of these people get it.
Me: Look at the sky!
Them: What about it?
This is the problem.
Oh god, I am Ophelia. I truly am losing it, 'staring at the sky and singing to myself.'
I just thought the picture was breathtaking. That's all.
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