
I love having free blocks

I had less than two hours of classes today.
Think about that.

I read a great Atlantic article on introverts.
(via Julia Allison)

It got me thinking about the way I think. I'm a person who likes to reflect. I've called it my nostalgic predisposition before, but that's not quite it. 
Definitely a component of my introversion though. Which is why I blog.

It's kind of a paradox. It might seem that since I do so much rambling over here, it means that I'm extroverted and want to make noise for the sake of it.
Not quite the case. I mean, I do like to make noise. I know this about myself.
But the reason I blog is more something like this:
I used to do a lot of my existing inside my head, if you know what I mean. I had a theory freshman year that if I went a whole day without speaking, no one would notice. Not that I was quiet, I just didn't ever share anything of value.
Or okay, I guess I must have, but this was at the beginning that I developed this theory and I don't know, fourteen year old girls have feeble self-esteems.
Point is, I lived inside my head. And I blogged for myself only.
I would try to put myself out there into the world, but I've come to accept the fact that I'm not very good at that.
Thus, the next rational step is try to put the world inside my head.
World, welcome to my head.

Blogging, ironically, might be the biggest indicator of my introversion. This is the way I like to communicate my thoughts- alone. But to people.

I'm an introvert who also loves the spotlight. My god. I need to start making sense, and soon.

Love always,

P.S. My royal Estonian ancestry was written up in the Washington Post today. It's true, bitchessss.

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