
What silliness.

This is the fate you've carved on me
the law of gravity

I have this song that I hadn't listened to in years but then felt randomly compelled to put on my driving mix stuck in my head.

That sentence was vague. Had I written it in latin, you would have known what I was talking about.
Except you don't know latin, and I don't know it well enough to just speak/write fluidly.

I did just write a letter to Mr C. in latin though. It's pretty cool if I do say so myself. Which I do. The one issue may be that I've totally forgotten how gerunds work... that's okay. It's the thought that counts.
Well, that's a lie. In this case it's the writing that counts. It's school.
Oh well.

You know what makes me really truly thoroughly excited about life when I hear it? The cover of "Don't stop Believing" from Glee.
That too is on my driving mix. And it is phenomenal and I get excited just thinking about it... right now, for instance.

So I set my computer's clock to 24 hour time, so right now it says that it's 22:22. Make a wish! I've decided that 10:22 PM is officially added to the list of times at which you can wish things.

Question: Where is that awesome video of David wearing my sunglasses?
Answer: On my camera, which takes too long to upload to youtube. It's coming. Don't worry.

Love always,

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